Pakistan Navy ships have reached Al jubail Saudi Arabia for Joint maritime exercise Naseem Al Behr.
Earlier Pakistan Navy flotilla comprising PN Ships ZULFIQUAR, TARIQ, AZMAT, QUWWAT and MUNSIF arrived at Saudi Arabian Port Al Jubail. PN helicopters embarked onboard PN Ships and P3C Orion Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft will also participate in these exercises.
For the first time, Mine Countermeasure Exercise has also been scheduled concurrently with Exercise Naseem Al Bahr. Cdre Adnan Ahmed is the Mission Commander of Pakistan Navy ships visiting Jubail for the exercise.
Upon arrival, Pakistan Navy ships were warmly received by senior RSNF officers and ratings. On first day of exercise, various harbour evolutions including communication brief for participating units and harbour fire exercise demonstrations onboard Pakistan Navy ships were conducted to share experience with RSNF counterparts.
A reception dinner in honour of visiting Pakistan Navy officers and ratings was hosted by RSNF Eastern Fleet Cdr, Rear Admiral Laafi Bin Hussain Al Harbi at RSNF Naval Base Mess. A large gathering of RSNF officers including flag officers (Commanders of Logistics, Aviation and Marines) and RSNF Base Commander also attended the reception.
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